EDS Awareness Month

Hi guys,

It’s been an awful winter, one of the hardest I can remember. Pain wise I have had to lock myself away, put the heating up high to mimic the Caribbean and wrap myself in my duvet and just alternate between sofa and bed, then bed and sofa. When I have made it out of the house it’s been to those lovely hospital appointments, that us zebras really look forward to. So two weeks ago, the sun came out, I threw off my winter coat, got my lighter weight summer jacket and the excitement was just a little too much as a week later, winter was back with a vengeance along with May!

So as we start to shout from the rooftops about Ehlers Danlos and it’s co-morbidities, make everyone understand how it feels to live with the pain, the ignorance of people not understanding the “invisible” illness aspect, fighting with the medical profession to get the correct treatments and diagnosis’

Our battles are hourly, daily, weekly, but we will always fight ….. we just ask that with your tweets and retweets on our awareness campaigns we will get there in the end 👊🏻